
Hey! Don't Learn the Hard Way!

Accumulated Craig's List Wisdom, for you my friend.

Rule #3487: Don't be afraid to talk by phone first. It's almost a pre-requisite.

Rule #4587: Do not send pictures of yourself with another man or woman. Even with other people. It makes you look weak.

Rule #3261: Say a woman's name. It's very detached and inconsiderate to know someone's name and not write it.

Rule #7203: Never wait for a guy past 10 minutes. It will drag you down.

Rule #6089: Describing your clothes before meeting is 100% necessary, down to the socks.

Rule #3452: Never tell a person where you live.

Rule # 3490: Do NOT build castles in the sky. Figure things out effeciently, and expect nothing.

Rule #2150: Ladies, bring change so you can leave an ample tip. (If the waiter deserved it, if not 15% only.) Ladies should always offer to pay their half, but insist on leaving the tip. Gentlemen should always insist on paying, but allow her to leave the tip.

Rule#4387: Posting a pic with your profile is a really bad idea - makes you look desperate and trashy - but that's my personal opinion.

RULE #2569: Remember, there are men out there who respond to every single ad every single day, often with the exact same message. And they'll respond to yours twice, too.

No person wants to be blown-off by someone s/he wasn't even interested in. So protect yourself and your time.


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